
Sunday, January 10, 2010

PART 3-pre Practicum...

final day.. a.k.a last day...
akhirnye habis jugak pre practicum ni...
ok la so far..byk input dpt...
walaupun mengantuk tak dapat di elak kan...
hari ni paling banyak "tuang" hahahha....
awal2 lg dh kuar beli makanan...
sesi ke2 lak aku g bergayut phone kt luar smpai 45 minint...
last sesi lak aku kuar g sembahyang..
pas tu baru plan nak wat x jadi..huhuhu
masuk2 dewan dah pun sesi nyer...huhuhu

last but not least aku dapat gak kenal kawan-kawan yang bakal praktikal sama2 nanti..
sorang dak Tesel, sorang PJK and kami ber2 PSV

SMK Bandar Baru Batang Kali,
Sek 3, Bandar Baru Batang Kali,
44300 Batang Kali,

Here we come...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

PART 2-pre Practicum...

second day...9hb January 2010...
8.30 am -Session 3 : Co-curriculum Management (EN Mohd Zarawi Ravi Abdullah) (KPM)
Not bad bad still feel sleepy..huhuhu

9.30 am -Break
10.00am - Session 4 : Discipline & Classroom Management (En Mohd Nizam Hashim) (KPM)
Yang ni best,..pandai speaker ni buat lawak..x ngantuk ler..huhuhuu

12.00 pm -Lunch
3.00 pm -Session 2 : Session 5 : Developing Inter-personal Skill (En Kamarol Baharen Mohd Rom)

punya la time ni tibe2 aku jadi malas giler..bru plan nk g melepaskan diri kejap..x jd...alih2 aku masuk dewan wat keje..siap gak 2 sketches..huhuhu

1 more day left....very lazy lorr..huhu

*bile la elaun nak masuk ..hihhiih :#

Friday, January 8, 2010

PART 1-pre Practicum...

first day...8hb January 2010...
8.30 am -practicum briefing
9.30 am -Break
10.00am -Session 1 : School & Safety ( En Mohd Shahruddin Mohmud)

cerita pasal langkah-langkah dan cara nak menjaga keselamatan disekolah dari semua aspek. not bad aku ngantuk gilerr time dengar info..even aku ngantuk pun aku still dapat dengar gak apa yg die cakap..huhuuh

12.00 pm -Lunch
3.00 pm -Session 2 : Lesson Plan, Record book etc ( Pn. Lim Wai Fun ) part yg paling time ni lg la aku x fokus sbb ngatuk gilerr..dah la petang..adehhh...penceramah lak skema gilerr..speaking manjang..huhuhu..sabar jer la.. x banyak sket2 aku dapat la...

smbung sok lak...da lg 2 hari nk habes kan pre practicum before go to practical..huhuhu
wish me luck friend...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hantaran Perkahwinan

teringat aku akan satu emel yang di kirim oleh seorang hamba Allah dalam inbox aku...saja nak share tentang apa yang tertulis dalam emel tu...jom sama-sama kita renung kan..

“Sayang, tengok nih. Cantiknya AlQuran nih. Warna keemasan. Sesuai untuk kita buat hantaran”
pekik Jamilah kepada Nabil..

“Sini pun cantik juga. Warna unggu keemasan. Mana satu kita nak beli nih” balas Nabil

Mereka sedang asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk dibuat hantaran. Tinggal satu lagi yang masih dicari-cari iaitu AlQuran yang bakal dijadikan hantaran.

“Tapi, yang ni lagi best, ada terjemahan arab” keluh Jamilah.

“ Ala , awak bukan reti pun bahasa arab” jawab Nabil. Tergelak Jamilah. Berbahagia rasanya dapat calon suami seperti Nabil. Prihatin.

“Apa yang saudara cari tu. Nampak seronok saya lihat” tegur pakcik berbaju putih. Jaluran baju ke bawah menampakkan lagi seri wajah seorang pakcik dalam lingkungan 40-an..

“Oh, kami cari AlQuran. Nak buat hantaran Maklumlah, nak bina masjid” sengih Nabil. Jamilah ikut senyum tidak jauh dari situ...

“Oh. Bagus lah. Adik selalu baca waktu bila?” pakcik menyoal sambil tersenyum.

“Aa.. aa.. lama dah saya tak baca, pakcik“ teragak-agak Nabil menjawab. Jamilah sudah di sebelah rak yang lain.

“Kalau gitu, tak perlu lah beli AlQuran kalau sekadar hantaran. Kesian ALQuran. Itu bukan kitab hiasan, dik” tegur pakcik berhemah.

“Alah, pakcik nih. Kacau daun pulak urusan orang muda. Kami beli ni nak baca la” tiba-tiba Jamilah muncul dengan selamba jawapannya.

“Oh, baguslah. Kalau gitu beli lah tafsir ArRahman. Ada tafsiran lagi” cadang pakcik. Mukanya nampak seperti orang-orang ahli masjid.

“ Ala , besar lah pakcik. Kami nak pilih nih. Kiut lagi” senyum Jamilah mengangkat bungkusan AlQuran warna unggu keemasan. Saiznya kecil.

“Jangan lupa baca ya” pakcik dengan selamba sambil meninggalkan pasangan tersebut.

“Sibuk je la pakcik tu” Jamilah mengomel. Nabil kelihatan serba salah. Mungkin ‘terpukul’ dengan kata-kata seorang pakcik yang muncul secara tiba-tiba. Hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba. Mereka sudah bersolek.

Hari nan indah. Terlalu indah buat pasangan teruna dan dara yang bakal disatukan. Nabil dan Jamilah tidak sabar-sabar menantikan ucapan indah tersebut. Pak imam baru sahaja sampai.

“Assalamualaikum semua” ucapan salam Pak Imam bergema.

Nabil bagai hidup semula. Dirinya terkejut. Jantung bagai gugur serta merta.. Mungkin tidak percaya apa yang dipandangnya dihadapan. Ahli-ahli keluarga berebut-rebut bersalaman dengan Pak Imam. Mukanya berseri-seri. Janggutnya putih. Jubah putih. Rambutnya ada yang berwarna putih.

“Inikah pengantin hari ini?” tegur selamba Ustaz Saad

“Pak.. Ustaz.. kabar baik, pak... usta.. ustazz..” jawab Nabil mengigil. Jamilah juga terkebil-kebil melihat kelibat orang yang dikenali di kedai buku 2 bulan lalu.

“Oh, sebelum tu, saya suka mendengar bacaan adik Nabil. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat mengambil manfaat dari bacaan pengantin” cadang
Ustaz Saad. Kelihatan orang ramai mengiyakan. Maklumlah, ustaz Saad merupakan antara orang dikenali oleh ahli-ahli sebagai penceramah tetap setiap hari Khamis selepas maghrib.

Nabil menelan air liur. Baginya inilah saat paling menyeramkan bagi dirinya Peluh membasahi baju melayu satin berwarna putih.

“Ss.. su.. surah apa ustaz?” Nabil cuba mengagahkan diri. Jamilah
masih melihat dari tepi tirai. Memegang kepalanya. Seperti mengagak benda yang sebaliknya berlaku.

“Oh, ayat yang mudah ja. Baca 3 ayat Surah ArRa’d” kata ustaz Saad sambil menunjukkan baris giginya yang putih hasil bersugi setiap
solat mengikut sunnah nabi. Surah Ar Rad

Surah Ar Ra'd

“Apa benda nih ” detik hati Nabil.

“ Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim..ALL..MAA... RIII..!! ” berlagu Nabil. Kelihatan gemuruh satu rumah pengantin perempuan. Ada yang keluar dari rumah menahan gelak. Ada yang mengeluarkan air mata menahan kelucuan. Ada yang menggeleng-geleng kepala. Ibu bapa Jamilah merah padam wajahnya. Jamilah entah ke mana, mungkin berpura-pura ke tandas.

“Baru ustaz tahu ada kalimah almari di dalam ALQuran. Adik Nabil, cara bacanya seperti begini : A’uzubillahiminnassyaitaanirrajim..Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. ALIF.. LAMM.. MIMMM... RAA.. ” kedengar suara gemersik Ustaz Sa ’ad. Orang ramai kelihatan ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi alunan irama ALQurannya.

Nabil berasa seperti kilat menyambar kepalanya.

“Nabil, kamu jangan merendah-rendahkan kitab petunjuk iaitu AlQuran. Ianya hendaklah dibaca bukan sekadar dijadikan hantaran. Malah lebih malang perlakuan seperti ini seolah-olah menghina ALQuran. Beli ALQuran kemudian menaruh di tempat-tempat tinggi seolah-olah ianya
sudah cukup bagi seorang muslim” tazkirah sudah bermula. Orang ramai memang senang cara penyampaian ustaz Sa ’ad.

“Tinggi mana pun kamu belajar, tiada gunanya kitab yang tidak berubah ini tidak mampu kamu baca. Kitab ini pasti begini rupanya, ayatnya tetap sama, kedudukannya tidak sama. Malah, ketahuilah Allah akan menjaganya sehingga hari kiamat. Nabil, kalau kamu tahu orang-orang yang mengaku kitab AlQuran sebagai kitab petunjuk kemudian diabaikan dia pasti dilaknat oleh AlQuran itu sendiri. Tetapi beruntungnya orang-orangnya memanfaatkan AlQuran setiap hari, membacanya, menghafalnya, mengamalkan menjadikan hati terlalu tenang walapun dia bukannya seorang yang tinggi pelajarannya, kaya hidupnya dan sebagainya..” penutup Ustaz Sa ’ad sudah dikagumi orang terutama yang mengikuti ceramahnya.

Hari semakin cepat berlalu.

Nabil sudah melalui hari-hari yang indah. Kitab ALQUran yang menjadi hantaran pertunangan sudah menjadi diari kehidupannya yang aktif setiap hari.

Pit.. Pit! Jangan lupa datang rumah ustaz malam nih. Kita belajar sama-sama. Jangan lupa bawa isteri sekali ya Nabil. SMS dari ustaz Sa’ad tiba. Jamilah senyum disisi suaminya, Nabil.

read dis..

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki yang betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakinr, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata,Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.'

Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang. Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement,before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, dihadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran, mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Sama-sama lah kita ambil iktibar atas apa yang terjadi...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

virussss....hapuskan dier...

VIRUS adalah bende yg semua org x suke..haaha...aku adalah orang yang paling benci dengan VIRUS...nak scan virus guna la combofix far ok la...daripada yang pernah aku guna..huhuhu

masuk la website ni ok... kat bawa ni ada manual guide dier...pape hal tnyer la...aku tolong sekadar yang mampu..huhuhu



If you need help with malware removal, then please create a topic at one of the forums listed later in the guide and ask for help. Please note that each forum has different policies, so please be sure to read any pinned topics and rules for the particular forum about how you should go about receiving help. If a ComboFix log has been requested by a helper then please create one by following the instructions below.

The first thing you should do is print out this guide, as we will close all the open windows and programs, including your web browser, before starting the ComboFix program.

Next you should download ComboFix from one of the following URLs:

To download ComboFix, simply left-click on one of the links above and you will see a prompt similar to the figure below.

Download ComboFix Screenshot
Download ComboFix Prompt

Click on the Save button, and when it asks you where to save it, make sure you save it directly to your Windows Desktop. An image showing this is below.

Downloading ComboFix to the Desktop
Downloading ComboFix to the Desktop

When you have the Save as screen configured to save ComboFix.exe to the Desktop, click on the Save button. ComboFix will now start downloading to your computer. If you are on a dialup, this may take a few minutes. When ComboFix has finished downloading you will now see an icon on your desktop similar to the one below.

ComboFix Icon
ComboFix Icon

We are almost ready to start ComboFix, but before we do so, we need to take some preventative measures so that there are no conflicts with other programs when running ComboFix. At this point you should do the following:

  • Close all open Windows including this one.
  • Close or disable all running Antivirus, Antispyware, and Firewall programs as they may interfere with the proper running of ComboFix. Instructions on disabling these type of programs can be found in this topic.

Once these two steps have been completed, double-click on the ComboFix icon found on your desktop. Please note, that once you start ComboFix you should not click anywhere on the ComboFix window as it can cause the program to stall. In fact, when ComboFix is running, do not touch your computer at all. The scan could take a while, so please be patient.

Once you double-click on the icon, you may see a screen similar to the one below.

Windows Open File Security Warning
Windows Open File Security Warning

Windows is issuing this prompt because ComboFix does not have a digital signature. This is perfectly normal and safe and you can click on the Run button to continue. If you are using Windows Vista, and receive UAC prompt asking if you would like to continue running the program, you should press the Continue button.

You will now see the first ComboFix screen as shown below.

ComboFix is Preparing to Run
ComboFix is Preparing to Run

ComboFix is now preparing to run and when it has finished you will see a screen showing the authorized locations to download Combofix. This screen, press the OK button and you will now see the Disclaimer screen shown below.

ComboFix Disclaimer
ComboFix Disclaimer

If you do not agree to the disclaimer, then click on the No button to exit the program. Otherwise, to continue you should press the Yes button to continue. If you decided to continue, then ComboFix will create a System Restore point so that if any problems occur while using the program you can restore back to your previous configuration. When ComboFix has finished creating the restore point, it will then backup your Windows Registry as shown in the image below.

ComboFix is backing up the Windows Registry
ComboFix is backing up the Windows Registry

Once the Windows Registry has finished being backed up, ComboFix will attempt to detect if you have the Windows Recovery Console installed. If you already have it installed, you can skip to this section and continue reading. Otherwise you will see the following message as shown below:

ComboFix Recovery Console
ComboFix Recovery Console

At the above message box, please click on the Yes button in order for ComboFix to continue. Please follow the steps and instructions given by ComboFix in order to finish the installation of the Recovery Console. Once it has finished installing, you will be presented with the screen shown below.

ComboFix Recovery Console Finished
ComboFix Recovery Console Finished

You should now press the Yes button to continue. If at any time during the Recovery Console installation you receive a message stating that it failed to install, please allow ComboFix to continue with the scan of your computer. When it is done, and a log has been created, you can then perform the manual install of the Recovery Console using the steps found in the Manually installing the Windows Recovery Console section.

ComboFix will now disconnect your computer from the Internet, so do not be surprised or concerned if you receive any warnings stating that you are no longer on the Internet. When ComboFix has finished it will automatically restore your Internet connection.

ComboFix will now start scanning your computer for known infections. This procedure can take some time, so please be patient.

ComboFix is scanning the computer for infections
ComboFix is scanning the computer for infections

While the program is scanning your computer, it will change your clock format, so do not be concerned when you see this happen. When ComboFix is finished it will restore your clock settings to their previous settings. You will also see the text in the ComboFix window being updated as it goes through the various stages of its scan. An example of this can be seen below.

Stages of the ComboFix AutoScan
Stages of the ComboFix AutoScan

At the time of this writing there are a total of 50 stages as shown in the image below, so please be patient. The amount of stages will go up as time goes on, so if the amount of stages is different when you run it, please do not be concerned.

41st Stage of the ComboFix AutoScan
41st Stage of the ComboFix AutoScan

When ComboFix has finished running, you will see a screen stating that it is preparing the log report as shown below.

ComboFix is preparing the log report
ComboFix is preparing the log report

This can take a while, so please be patient. If you see your Windows desktop disappear, do not worry. This is normal and ComboFix will restore your desktop before it is finished. Eventually you will see a new screen that states the program is almost finished and telling you the programs log file, or report, will be located at C:\ComboFix.txt. This can be seen in the image below.

ComboFix is almost done!
ComboFix is almost done!

When ComboFix has finished, it will automatically close the program and change your clock back to its original format. It will then display the log file automatically for you as shown below.

ComboFix Log File
ComboFix Log File

You should now post this log as a reply to the topic where you were asked to run combofix. Your helper will now analyze this log and let you know what they would like you to do next. If you having problems connecting to the Internet after running Combofix, then please read the Manually restoring the Internet connection section.

It is possible that ComboFix, even on its first run, may have fixed the problems you are having. We strongly suggest that you still post your log into the topic that you are receiving help as you most likely will have infections left over that your helper will need to analyze further.

Friday, January 1, 2010

good news from them...:)

jee arebella : mrni aku nak tunang...06/04 ni
ghathis : nyer ngn saper?
jee arebella : degan polis tu la...
ghathis : best2...tahniah...
jee arebella : walau pun aku x suke..aku akan cuba untuk menerima...

1 dr conversation between aku dgn kwn sekolah lame aku dl....aku tau die die cube untuk menyenangkan keadaan semua org di sekeliling dier...sedeyh gak bg pihak dier...
pilihan keluarga mungkin adalah yang terbaik buat die...aku sentiasa sokong dr jauh...

Time:12:30PM Saturday, January 23rd
Location:No. 9, Jalan Kesuma 7/20 (fasa 3B), Bandar Tasik Kesuma, 43700, Beranang, Selangor.

ni lg satu invitataion dr besfren obstinate...Aishah Jamal..hihihihi...akhir nya dia melangkah selangkah lg ke depan..
semoga kebahagian bersama dengan ko selalu syg..

p/s : hidup kite x selalu nya bahagia..mst ade psng surut nyer... :)

> at home sek17

new year..2010

happy new year..2010...
ak create blog baru sempena tahun baru..huhhu
sharing everything about my new life with new profession...
even there are 4 month left to built my new occupation..huhuhu

2009 meninggalkan aku dengan bermacam2 cerita suka duka...
akan aku story mory in the next post... :)

semoga tahun baru 2010 ni membawa satu sinar baru kepada semua especially for my "relation"

>at home-sek17